Monday, October 5, 2015

Nutty Brown

Nutty Brown from "The Homebrewer's Recipe Guide" 
  • Delicious brew that turned out great, if a little low on the ABV.  The low ABV was my fault as I pitched the yeast a bit to early, wort wasn't at the right temp - thermometer malfunction.  While the ABV wasn't right, the beer itself turned out great and is something I'll be doing again.  I aged 1 week in the secondary and then kegged, but I'd recommend aging 3 weeks in the secondary as I've noticed that the beer has only improved with age, which I believe is due to the roastiness mellowing and blending better (very overpowered in the early days).  FYI - I did oven roast half of my 2-row prior to milling.

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